Multicultural Counseling Marissa

Multicultural Counseling Marissa


Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, homophobic and transphobic attitudes are deeply embedded in our world’s society. These attitudes and a lack of adequate legal protection mechanisms against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity expose many people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) to major violations of their human rights. They are disowned and mistreated by their own families, discriminated against in schools, in the labor market, and in hospitals. They are often attacked, sexually assaulted, beaten, tortured, and killed (United Nations, 2019). In this connection, I think that it is time for us to speak out because lives are at stake. Overall, Marissa’s post demonstrates her deep interest in the problem and presents a unique point of view on the culture of the LGBTQ community. I admire her commitment to researching the issues of prejudice and discrimination that this population so often experiences on a daily basis. In my opinion, Marissa’s reflections concerning the issues surrounding the LGBTQ community support the fact that there is a strong need to improve human rights mechanisms to protect those in need. In addition, Marissa’s observations made from personal interactions with LGBTQ youth provide a unique perspective and first-hand experience. Despite this, I think that Marissa could have improved her research by discussing the challenges that she had encountered while working with the LGBTQ community at The Center of Wichita. Moreover, since Marissa mentioned that her primary focus is on the LGBTQ youth because of the dire need to advocacy in America, I would very much appreciate her thoughts on what approaches she would take to help LGBTQ youth to adjust and integrate into our society. Yet, I understand that gender identity and sexual orientation are sensitive issues and hope that Marissa will elaborate on these matters in her next discussions.

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United Nations. (2019). Combating Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Retrieved from

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